An Integrated Model of Rolling and Sliding in Rollover Crashes


Dr. James Funk, Jeffrey Wirth, Enrique Bonugli, Richard Watson, Alan Asay


SAE International April 2012


Rollover crashes have been studied extensively from an accident reconstruction perspective. Rollovers are difficult to model with precision because they involve complex three dimensional vehicle dynamics and multiple impacts, often to the same part of the vehicle, occurring over a long period of time. Due to their chaotic nature and sensitivity to small changes in initial conditions, the individual impacts that occur in rollover crash tests are generally not repeatable or predictable. Efforts have been made to model individual impacts in rollover crash tests using either impulse momentum equations [13] or computational modeling packages [12, 14]. However, the usefulness of complicated models in reconstructing real world crashes is limited by their fidelity and by the amount of information typically available to the reconstructionist.

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